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Australian Constitution Centre Resources

Stage 2 C&C New School Resources

Unit 01: Rules and Laws in Australia today – Year 4
Unit 1: Rules and Laws in Australia today – Year 4 – Civics and Citizenship (C & C) Strand: Laws and Citizens Topic 4.1: The difference between rules and laws and why laws apply to everyone in our society
01. Index and introduction
Rules and Laws in Australia today
02. TRD 1 and Lessons 1-3
Rules v Laws
03. TRD 2 and Lesson 4
Informal Rules in Australian society Today
04. TRD 3 and Lesson 5
Respecting and changing rules and laws
05. TRD 4 and Lessons 6-7
Rules and laws - It’s all garbage
Unit 02: How British laws and principles, including the rule of law, were brought to Australia by the First Fleet in 1788 and their impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples - Year 4
Unit 2: How British laws and principles, including the rule of law, were brought to Australia by the First Fleet in 1788 and their impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – Year 4 - Civics and Citizenship (C & C) Strand: Laws and Citizens Topic 4.2: A conflict of laws and perspectives
01. Index and Introduction
A conflict of laws and perspectives
02. TRD 5 and Lesson 1-2
Indigenous law and lore pre-1788 Aboriginal
03. TRD 6 and Lesson 2
Captain (Lieutenant) Cook’s instructions
04. TRD 7 and Lesson 3
Why the British colonised Australia
05. TRD 8 and Lesson 4
Governor Phillip’s Commission and Instructions
06. TRD 9 and Lessons 5a-5b
Terra Nullius –what was its effect on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?
07. TRD 10 and Lesson 6
What law did the British bring to New South Wales?
08. TRD 11 and Lesson 7
Civil death and civil rights for convicts in colonial New South Wales: Give me back my parcel
09. TRD 12-13 and Lesson 8
The first criminal court in Australia
10. TRD 14 and Lesson 9
What kind of Government did the British impose in NSW?
Unit 03: The introduction of responsible and representative government in colonial Australia – Year 5
Unit 3: The introduction of responsible and representative government in colonial Australia – Year 5 - C & C Strand: Citizenship, Identity & Diversity Topic 5.1: The colonies introduce Responsible and Representative Government and the impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
01. Index and Introduction
The introduction of responsible and representative government in colonial Australia
02. TRD 15 and Lesson 1
Batman’s ‘treaty’ with the Wurundjeri People in 1835
03. TRD 16 and Lesson 2
The introduction of responsible and representative government in colonial Australia
04. TRD 17 and Lesson 3
How Sir Frederic Rogers’ scissors snipped out NSW independence
05. TRD 18 and Lesson 4
Colonial events that led to treason laws: The attempt to assassinate Prince Alfred
Unit 04: Representative Democracy. The story of voting rights in Australia including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and women - Year 5
Unit 4: Representative Democracy. The story of voting rights in Australia including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and women – Year 5 - C & C Strand: Government & Democracy Topic 5.2: The Constitution and the right to vote in Australia
01. Index and introduction
Representative Democracy. The story of voting rights in Australia including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and women
02. TRD 19 and Lesson 1
Right to vote – what does the Constitution say?
03. TRD 20 and Lesson 2
Right to vote – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
04. TRD 21-22 and Lesson 3
Right to vote - women
05. TRD 23 and Lesson 4
Right to vote – prisoners. The story of Vickie Lee Roach
06. TRD 24 and Lesson 5
Right to vote – prisoners. The story of Vickie Lee Roach
07. TRD 25-26 and Lesson 6
Right to vote - Adults and children
08. TRD 27 and Lesson 7
The secret ballot and the ‘Australian ballot’
09. TRD 28 and Lesson 8
Compulsory voting – burden or privilege and responsibility?
Unit 05: Australian identity, federation and the Constitution including the intentions of the framers – Year 6
Unit 5: Australian identity, federation and the Constitution including the intentions of the framers – Year 6 - Civics and Citizenship (C & C) Strand: Citizenship, Identity & Diversity Topic 6.1: How and why the Australian Constitution came to be
01. Index and introduction
Australian identity, federation and the Constitution including the intentions of the framers
02. TRD 29-41 Meet the Constitution Makers
The Tenterfield Oration
03. Lessons 1,2 &3: Framers, Writers of the Constitution
Lessons 1,2, 3: ‘Meet the Makers’: Framers and writers of the Australian Constitution: Discover their role and ideas and contributions through the second half of the nineteenth century
04. TRD 42-44
Overview of how the Constitution came to be
05. TRD 45-46 and Lessons 4-5
The failure of the 1898 referendum in New South Wales to approve the Constitution
06. TRD 47-48 and Lesson 6
Making the Constitution – Where were the Women?
07. TRD 47-48 and Lesson 6
Making the Constitution – Where were the Women?
Unit 06: The Constitution, Federalism and Westminster System – Year 6
Unit 6: The Constitution, Federalism and Westminster System – Year 6 - Civics and Citizenship (C & C) Strand: Government & Democracy Topic 6.2: Introducing different elements in the Australian Constitution, Westminster influences, and the covering clauses and Preamble.
01. Index and introduction
The Constitution, Federalism and Westminster System
02. TRD 49-50 and Lesson 1-2
What is a Constitution and Why is it Binding? (Student Resource)
03. TRD 51 and Lesson 3
Comparing the Constitution-making process with the United Kingdom and the United States
04. TRD 52 and Lesson 4
Why was the name ‘Commonwealth of Australia’ chosen and what is the Commonwealth of Nations today?
05. TRD 53 and Lesson 5
What are the Covering Clauses of the Constitution Act?
06. TRD 54 and Lesson 6
What is the significance of the Preamble to the Constitution Act?
07. TRD 55 and Lesson 7
A new preamble for the Australian Constitution fails in a 1999 referendum
Unit 07: The Australian Constitution and its three key institutions of government and how the Separation of Powers (SoP) protects democracy and the people – Years 6 and 7
Unit 7: The Australian Constitution and its three key institutions of government and how the Separation of Powers (SoP) protects democracy and the people – Years 6 and 7 - C & C Strand: Government & Democracy Topic 6.3 & 7.1: The Australian Constitution and its three Key Institutions of Government
01. Index and introduction
The Australian Constitution and its three key institutions of government and how the Separation of Powers (SoP) protects democracy and the people
02. TRD 56 and Lesson 1-2
Separation of Powers – Overview: the three institutions or branches of government: SoP Overview
03. TRD 57 and Lesson 3
Introducing the Australian Parliament: The Houses of the Parliament (Student Resource)
04. TRD 58 and Lessons 4-5
Parliament – the roles and powers of the Houses
05. TRD 59 and Lesson 6
Who can stand for Parliament?
06. TRD 60 and Lesson 7
Executive Power Overview including the position and roles of who makes up the Executive Government
07. TRD 61 and Lesson 8
Executive Power - The Role and Powers of the Sovereign
08. TRD 62 and Lesson 9
Executive power – the powers and role of the Governor-General, from cutting ribbons to dismissing governments
09. TRD 63 and Lesson 10
Executive Power – The powers of Ministers and their limits
10. TRD 64 and Lesson 11
Executive Power - The Role of the Public Service in Making Government Work
11. TRD 65 and Lessons 12-13
Courts - Their Role and Powers
Unit 08: Australia’s legal system, the Courts and the Australian Justice System – Years 7 & 9
Unit 8: Australia’s legal system, the Courts and the Australian Justice System – Years 7&9 - Strand: Laws & Citizens Topics 7.2 & 9.4: Key features of Government & the Australian Justice System: Separation of Powers and the Judiciary
01. Index and introduction
Australia’s legal system, the Courts and the Australian Justice System
02. TRD 66-69 and Lesson 1
The Separation of Powers – protecting the independence of the Judiciary (student resource)
03. TRD 70-71 and Lesson 2
Separation of Powers - Why Parliament can no longer convict you of treason and order and order that you be beheaded (Student Resource)
04. TRD 72-73 and Lesson 3
Separation of Powers - The blurred border between executive and legislative power (Student Resource)
Unit 09: The Constitution and the Making of Law in Australia – Year 8
Unit 9: The Constitution and the Making of Law in Australia – Year 8 - C & C Strand: Laws & Citizens Topic 8.1: The making of law in Australia
01. Index and introduction
The Constitution and the Making of Law in Australia
02. TRD 74 and Lesson 1
The Constitution and the Making of Law in Australia
03. TRD 75-79 and Lesson 2
TRD 75 Delegated Legislation TRD 76 Case Study - Delegated legislation and the 2021 India travel ban TRD 77 Emergency Powers and Common Law Freedoms TRD 78 Statutes – How Are They Made? TRD 79 Powers of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) in Natural Disasters and Pandemics Topic 8.1: The making of law in Australia
Unit 10: Rights and freedoms in the Australian Constitution – Year 8
Unit 10: Rights and freedoms in the Australian Constitution – Year 8 - C & C Strand: Citizenship, Identity & Diversity Topic 8.2: Rights and Freedoms in the Australian Constitution
01. Index and introduction
Rights and freedoms in the Australian Constitution
02. TRD 80 and Lesson 1
Our constitutional rights and freedoms? Why did the 1988 referendum to extend them fail?
03. TRD 81-82 and Lesson 2
The Implied Freedom of Political Communication - Students
04. TRD 83-86 and Lesson 3
Freedom of interstate movement in Australia:To what extent is it protected by the Constitution?
05. TRD 87-88 and Lesson 4
Freedom of Religion and the Constitution
Unit 11: Changing the Constitution (referenda) – Year 9
Unit 11: Changing the Constitution (referenda) – Year 9 - C & C Strand: Government & Democracy Topic 9.1: Referendum: the process for Constitutional change
01. Index and introduction
Changing the Constitution (referenda)
02. TRD 89-91 and Lesson 1
Referendums and plebiscites
03. TRD 92-96 and Lesson 2
Referendum – success and failure in Australia
04. TRD 97-100 and Lesson 3
Aviation: Commonwealth or State control? A failed referendum
05. TRD 101-102 and Lesson 4
Referendum on Indigenous Constitutional Recognition (student resource)
Unit 12: Federalism v Westminster - Year 9
Unit 12: Federalism v Westminster Year 9 - C & C Strand: Laws & Citizens Topic 9.2: Federalism v Westminster
01. Index and introduction
Federalism v Westminster
02. TRD 103 and Lesson 1
Why federalism was chosen and how power is distributed
03. TRD 104-106 and Lesson 2
Federalism - What topics can the Commonwealth legislate about?
04. TRD 107-108 and Lesson 3
Federalism - When is Discrimination Against States or Their Residents Prohibited?
05. TRD 109-112 and Lesson 4
The principles of the Westminster system of responsible government
06. TRD 113-115 and Lesson 5
The Senate and control over money bills
07. TRD 116-117 and Lesson 6
Finances - How do Governments raise money and where do they keep it?
Unit 13: Women’s voting rights under the Australian Constitution – Year 9
Unit 13: Women’s voting rights under the Australian Constitution – Year 9 - C & C Strand: Citizenship, Identity & Diversity Topic 9.3: Women’s voting rights under the Australian Constitution
01. Index and introduction
Women’s voting rights under the Australian Constitution
02. TRD 118 and Lesson 1
Votes for Women
03. TRD 119-121 and Lesson 2
Catherine Helen Spence (South Australia)
04. TRD 122-123 and Lesson 3
Suffragists in the United Kingdom and different tactics
Unit 14: The High Court and Constitutional Interpretation – Year 10
Unit 14: The High Court and Constitutional Interpretation – Year 10 – C & C Strand: Laws & Citizens Topic 10.1: The High Court and Constitutional Interpretation
01. Index and introduction
The High Court and Constitutional Interpretation
02. TRD 124 and Lesson 1
The Constitution – how should it be interpreted?
03. TRD 125 and Lesson 2
The jurisdiction of the High Court of Australia
04. TRD 126-128 and Lesson 3
Secret women’s business and women judges – the Wilson case
Unit 15: The rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia – Year 10
Unit 15: The rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia – Year 10 C & C Strand: Citizenship, Identity & Diversity Topic 10.2: Indigenous Rights and the Australian Constitution
01. Index and introduction
The rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia
02. TRD 129-131 and Lesson
Indigenous law and lore pre-1788 – Extended
Stage 1 Resources
The Principles in detail PDF files
Biographies of the Chief Justices of the High Court
High Court Case Studies
Topics of interest
Australia’s levels of Government PDF poster
Worksheets for onsite visits to the Exhibition at the High Court of Australia, Canberra.